Regulations Compliance
We understand the negative consequences on our business and on the business of our clients, if we do not take issues of compliance very seriously. Strict adherence to all regulation codes is practiced.
GLA Compliance
ABC Staff Supply is a trading name for ABC Recruitment Services Limited, licensed by the Gangmasters Licensing Agency, License number ABCR0002.
Strict adherence to the GLA code of practice, in all matters concerning recruitment is always our number one priority.
VOSA Compliance
Our subsidiary company Eazy Travel is licensed by VOSA to provide people tranfer services, PSV Licence Number: PC 1076756.
All our workers are transported to the site of work through Eazy Travel. Strict adherence to the VOSA code of practice, in all matters concerning people transport is our number one priority.
We understand the negative consequences on our business, should this ever be compromised.